Our Synod website has a wealth of valuable information and resources.
Our Minnesota North District website has valuable information, resources, and events close to home.
Lutheran Hour Ministries, too! Resources, programming, news and more.
Lutheran Life magazine can be accessed online or in print. Periodic issues present varied encouragement, resources, ideas, and more to help individuals and families live their faith in today’s culture and world.
At Synod, check out the Rural and Small Town Ministries pages. LOTS of help for congregations and outreach.
Our St. Louis based, live broadcast and online gospel radio station KFUO has a variety of programs and news.
Check out our seminaries in St. Louis MO and Fort Wayne IN. Their website isn’t just for students.
You may enjoy Issues Etc. radio program, live on KFUO or online including archives at issuesetc.org.
Our District camp near Henning, MN is an excellent opportunity for Christian camping, retreats, and more.
Rural & Small Town Mission webinars provide Lutheran Church—Missouri Synod pastors and congregational leaders with practical, relevant ideas for engaging the community with the Gospel. Contact Amy Gerdts at rstm@lcms.org or at 888-463-5127 to receive invitations and offer topic ideas for the video presentations.